Love to the Men

Hello Saturday! Okay, I know I say this all the time but honestly where has the week gone?.. Although, I’m not made it’s the weekend! With all this talk about Valentine’s Day coming up it makes me reflect on how lucky those of us are who have a sweet Valentine to celebrate with! Personally, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have such an amazing and loving husband! Along with him being the best daddy! I always rack my brain trying to think of things to get my man for V-Day especially because we get slammed with holidays right around the same time! We have Christmas, then our anniversary, right after that Valentine’s, a month after that his birthday, then a month after that my birthday! Like I said slammed and all my ideas seem to be taken in the first couple holidays! So… I have put together a little list of great gifts ideas for our men! Hope this helps when you’re on the hunt! And if all else fails just spend some quality time! That’s always my absoulte favorite & better than any gift money can buy! 

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