A Simple Summer Treat

A Simple Summer Treat

With summer FINALLY here, I’m excited to bust out all of my favorite simple summer treat recipes. The sun in Utah is HOT and I’m constantly having myself and my kids drink as much water as possible. There is nothing worse than having a headache from being dehydrated. But water can get boring, am I right? Especially for my kids. They’ll start to reach for juice and other tasty drinks. One of my favorite summers treats is fruit water. It is exactly how it sounds. It’s small chunks of fruit with a little bit of coconut flavoring in your water. It is so beyond refreshing and yummy. My kids are obsessed with it!

How often is it when you find something that you and your kids both equally enjoy? This rarely ever happens in our house which is another reason why I make fruit water so often. You can really use any berry fruit or flavoring you’d like. I love to use the coconut flavoring because it is so refreshing and tropical tasting for summer time! It kind of makes me feel like I’m sitting on the beach in California BUT I’m actually just in my backyard probably getting sprayed by the house… mom life!

What You’ll Need


– Water

Flavoring (coconut)

– Frozen berries

What you need for this recipe is simple. You can start out with a super cute cup (which is a must for me), fill your cup halfway with water, add some ice, do about half a tablespoon of flavoring, a handful of frozen fruit (your choice) and then mix it together. Such a simple and yummy summer treat for the whole family to enjoy. I also love making this for parties. It’s such a crowd pleaser! I hope you try this recipe for your next party or family night and let me know how it goes! xo

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