My perfect shades of lipstick

My Perfect Shades Of Lipstick

One question I get asked almost every day is what lip color I am wearing. I am obsessed with lipstick, I have been since I was a little girl. I would sneak into my mom’s room and totally demolish all of her lipstick tubes. Of course, she was not happy, but it was something that brought me so much joy. Now fast forward years later, I now have my own little girl who is obsessed with her mommy’s lipstick and does anything in her power to grab a tube! Oh, Rosey girl. She is such a free spirit! I want to share with you my perfect shades of lipstick. I love creams, matte satin, and gloss finishes. Pretty much all things lipstick and lipgloss is right up my alley.


Matte Lipsticks

I love wearing a matte lipstick as much as possible. They tend to be a little more drying, but I use the Laneige lip sleeping mask and it keeps my lips super moisturized.  I add a small amount of gloss right in the middle to make sure my lips aren’t too dry. Some of my favorite matte lipsticks I’ve linked. One of my favorites is the Maybelline super stay matte ink in “dreamer” I featured this same lipstick in one of my previous blog Posts “Drugstore Favorites”


Cream Lipsticks

We all know and love Mac Cosmetics Lipsticks. They have such an amazing shade range, I just love them all so much! Some of my favorite colors are Creme Cup, Snob, Russian Red, and Pink Noveau



Lip Accessories

I have way too many lipsticks that I can’t have them all out on my counter at all times. Most weeks, I choose my top 5 that I want to wear for the week and put them in this super cute lipstick holder. I love doing this because then I can try all the different colors that I haven’t used in a while. I also and OBSESSED with using clean lids for my Mac lipsticks. It’s always so difficult knowing which shade I’m picking up because you have to open them all up or read the name on the bottom that has probably rubbed off (first world problems, lol). These clear lids from Amazon are a huge timesaver and are super cute. I’ve removed all of my Mac lipstick lids and changed them out with the clear lids.



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