Packing Our Hospital Bags


I  have to admit every time I go to pack the hospital bag I draw a mind blank and don’t know where to start! This is my third baby. You would think I would have it down. But no, each time feels like the first. I    had to go back to some of my own posts to remember what I pack for Monroe. If you are looking especially for a girl make sure you check those out here I  also pack my hospital bag here and not too much has changed. Typically my babies are pretty small! All babies are tho so I tend to pack the smallest things. Example: Premie/newborn onesies and even shrink them ahead of time to make sure they are snug of those tiny little ones that I    just want to cuddle all day long.

Reality is, you really don’t need to pack too much for the baby. Every birth & situation is different but if you are there the typical 1-2 days/nights don’t go crazy. I am very picky about the things I bring to the hospital. Many people suggest bringing their Boppy Breast Feeding Pillow (which I love by the way – if you don’t have one get one even if you don’t breastfeed. They are great for support and even better when they start to sit up you can prop the babies up in them as support) but I never like to because I’m a germ-a-phob and would rather leave it at home safe and sound. I mean if my baby is between 5-8 lbs I’m pretty sure I will be ok holding him myself a couple feedings. Don’t go too crazy either because you don’t want to get home and have to unpack everything once you get home. Make sure you pack the things that make you and your baby feel most comfortable. For example, I love to bring the softest swaddles and a larger plush blanket. I will link everything below along with the list.

I’m going to make a list of things that the hospital typically has for you so you don’t double pack. I’m also going to make a list of things I packed for the Baby Hospital Bag many things the hospital does have and will provide but it’s also fun to have your own things & make them extra cozy! This is such an exciting time and it always helps that much more to feel prepared!

I’m also listing the things I packed in my hospital bag but for more detail check out this post because I    expand on it a lot more and not much has changed as far as what I pack for myself goes. So check this post out.

Hospital Provided:

 Diapers, Wipes, Burp Clothes, Hat, and Blankets. (But bring your own if you want something specific)

Baby “M” Hospital Bag:

1 Large Bag – I’m obsessed with The Honest Company Backpack. It comes in tons of colors and holds the perfect amount.

5-6 Long Sleeve Onesies (with fold-over hand mits) (packed these)

2 Button up Footies (these)

2 Newborn Pants

2 Newborn Hats

3 Swaddle Blankets (packed these ones)

1 Larger Plush Blanket (packed this one)


Pacifiers (packed this one)

Honest Hand Sanitizer for myself & Visitors

Honest Heal Balm

Tiny Socks

Burp Cloths

Camera (I will do a separate post of what I packed for myself & hubby)




My Hospital Bag

3-4 Comfy Shirts/Long Sleeve (it gets cold & loose enough to breastfed)

Nursing Bra & Nursing Pads

3-4 Loose leggings & joggers

2 Pairs of PJ’s

1 Robe

3-4 Socks

2-3 Tank tops

4-5 Boy Short Undies

My own blanket

Makeup Bag





Hair Spray

Tooth Brush, Paste, Floss

Face Wash


Body Wash


Phone Charger

The side of Bed Bag


Don’t forget to check out my post on my Top 9 Tech Essentials for BabyI wanted to break them up for you guy because there are so many different things when it comes to babies you can’t possibly keep them all in one list. As always, please let me know if you have any questions and you can always email me by clicking the “contact” on the top right corner. Hope this helps! XOXO

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